Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. : ) We got some great news from the doctor at my appointment on Friday. A few of my tests came back much better than he expected so things are definitely looking up. I have been super sick with this pregnancy, but I am just so grateful that we are going to have another baby that it all just feels worth it somehow. : ) Brock has been so kind and has been taking very good care of me and Kailey has been an absolute angel. I am incredibly blessed. We got to hear the new baby's heart beat for the first time on Friday and that was just so amazing. : ) We love you guys and hope that all is well with you and your family. : )
Well here is our blog under construction. Just to start it out...Highlights of the year... Mr. and Mrs. Keegan Drawe-married Aug. 9, 2007 Keena Leigh Tibbitts--born Sept. 10, 2007 to Shawna and Andy Elder Josh Burnham--called to Talahasse Florida mission Parker Anthony Burnham--born Jan. 16, 2008 to Chad and Emily Dr. Joel Burnham--new office under construction and hoping to open doors perhaps end of Feb.?? Teri's Toys--website launched and building the business. Escaping to "the Lakehouse" at Mead every weekend we can... All in all its been a great year!
Yes!!! I love the new pictures! He looks so happy.
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. : ) We got some great news from the doctor at my appointment on Friday. A few of my tests came back much better than he expected so things are definitely looking up. I have been super sick with this pregnancy, but I am just so grateful that we are going to have another baby that it all just feels worth it somehow. : ) Brock has been so kind and has been taking very good care of me and Kailey has been an absolute angel. I am incredibly blessed. We got to hear the new baby's heart beat for the first time on Friday and that was just so amazing. : ) We love you guys and hope that all is well with you and your family. : )
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