Saturday, July 26, 2008

Update on Elder Burnham

Every Monday brings joy as we continue to read Josh's letters from Florida and we find ourselves smiling all day knowing how happy he is and how well he is doing. He has been working in Fox Run with a wonderful companion, Elder Taylor, and teaching about 3 investigators a day. The work is really exploding in this area. As of this Wed. apparently his companion is transfered and Josh is taking over with a new companion.

He writes: "Time really is flying by out here. In just a couple weeks will be my 4 month mark. There has been some hard times but overall, I wish time would slow down just a little bit. Ive learned so much about myself out here and more importantly ive become so much closer to my savior. It hurts me to see people out here who say they know God and say they are saved, but really they just see God as some mysterious amoeba floating around in space somewhere. I am so grateful that I KNOW who I am relying on and that I KNOW exactly who am praying to when I kneel down at night. I am grateful that I Know that God sent his son to the earth to atone for the sins of all of us, and that I KNOW he lives again, with a glorified body of flesh and bones that is as tangible as can be. We KNOW who God is. And because we know this, we know what our potential is and who we can become. Is there any greater knowledge than this? I couldn’t be happier than I am right now, knowing exactly who I am serving, and knowing what he has done for me."

So now you know why we're smiling!!

1 comment:

Gledtimes said...

yeaaaa Josh! Hey, my nephew, Zachachery Atherton just got to Florida fresh from the MTC. Wouldn't it be something if he was the new companion that replaced Josh's old one? I know they would really like each other.