Friday, July 11, 2008

Fourth of July at Mead

We had a great Fourth of July weekend up at the Lakehouse. We had a big group--Katey and Keegan and Bones came up Monday and got to stay the whole week, which we loved! Shawna, Andy and kids came up Thursday thru Sunday. (I rented a room at the lodge for all the dogs, best money I've spent). The Webbs were up with Ryan and his darling fiance Luz, and Mike and Ella, John and Deby, David and Christine and kids, Skyler and Elise and friends. Of course the only windy days were over the weekend when everyone wanted to wakeboard. The rest of the week was perfect weather. Put up the pool and sunshade on the back deck with the shower running and Tracy and the kids were in heaven.

And yes Joel bought a MasterCraft. Totally unintentional, really. The salesman practically FORCED him to do it. It wasn't Joel's fault at all. He only went in to see about servicing the Tige. You see, they hadn't sold a boat in months, and of course the salesman gave Joel a deal he absolutely would have been crazy to refuse. yada yada yada. But actually its the truth! I must admit its a heck of a lot more stable in the rough water, and sure has a lot more room in it without a big ol motor right in the middle of the boat. Push a button and the fat sacks fill up. 16 cupholders (my favorite feature). Swim ladder at the bow. Plus we have to have room for all the dozens of grandbabies we plan to have over the next few years. And much more room for Sadie and the Murph.

I just wish Joel looked at ME with the same look as he gives that boat!!

1 comment:

The Wiggidy said...

Love your Blog guys! you are exactly right about the wind it was totally still the last 3 days we were there after you guys went home.

Here is a link to our blog I started if you want to check it out.